Meet the Team - Introducing Burle Fortenberry

Meet the Team - Introducing Burle Fortenberry

My name is Burle Fortenberry and I've been working for All-Clean USA for 23 years. I was born in Dallas, Texas but grew up in the Delta region of Arkansas. I graduated from high school in 1979. I began working on the family farm when I was 12 years old. I spent the first few years with All-Clean USA as a store manager and eventually was promoted to Operations Manager and then to Chief Operating Officer. The restoration industry is a very challenging industry due to its existence being reliant upon unexpected and unplanned events; it's difficult to project from year to year what to expect as it relates to new customers and new opportunities. At All-Clean USA we function as a team with a common goal: to deliver top-notch, honest service to our clients. The motto I like to challenge our associates with at All-Clean USA is to always do the right thing regardless of the outcome.

What is your All-Clean origin story and how did you meet the Owner of All-Clean USA, Brett Overman?

I was between jobs, had three children in school, and needed a job. I saw an ad in the local newspaper that said a new cleaning company was coming to Conway, looking for a manager. I sent in my resume and received a call from Brett to set up a face-to-face interview where we would meet at Colton's Steakhouse. I showed up wearing slacks and a dress shirt - I might have even had on a tie, I don't remember. I walked in, looked around, and saw this young kid (I was 40 years old at the time) sitting at the booth wearing faded jeans and tennis shoes with a baseball cap turned around backwards... of course, it was Brett. We spoke about what his vision was and what he was looking for in relation to a manager to help start up his business in a new location. When I arrived back home, my wife said, “Well, how did it go and what do you think?” I told her the details of the meeting and her first response was, “You need to run I don't think this guy knows what he's doing.” The rest is history.

How long have you worked at All-Clean?

23 years.

What is your current role at All-Clean?

Chief Operating Officer.

What are your hobbies?

Working on my farm with cattle - basically anything that deals with being outdoors or in nature.

What is your favorite part of working at All-Clean?

Helping others regain a sense of normalcy after experiencing an unexpected event.

What is your favorite sports team?

Living in Arkansas, it would have to be any sport that the Razorbacks participate in.

Who are your favorite musical artists?

I’m a huge fan of old country music. George Jones, Conway Twitty, etc - music with a story to be heard.

What is your favorite quote?

“Well done is better than well said.” -Benjamin Franklin

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

With my grandchildren on the farm.

What causes are you passionate about?

Helping others, especially within my own community which is where I believe all compassion and charity should begin.

What’s the career highlight that you’re most proud of?

Playing a positive role in helping communities rebuild after a devastating event such as the work I was associated with after Hurricane Katrina.

What piece of advice or motto do you live by?

Always do the right thing regardless of the result.

What’s on your bucket list?


Which famous person in history would you want to spend the day with? (Dead or Alive)

Jesus Christ.

Who or what inspires you in your career?

Seeing a client we helped years ago in a public setting and they remember you and are happy to see you.

What is a funny story that you have from your time at All-Clean?

Working on a job in a neighboring county, two of us were working on the interior of the house while one of the guys was working in the crawlspace which had very little clearance. Suddenly, we heard what sounded like a hammer hitting every floor joist under the house one at a time from one end of the house to the other in rapid secession. When the guy under the house popped out with bruises and bumps all over his head screaming and running towards the truck, there was a snake under the house. All we could do was laugh trying to figure out how he got out of the crawlspace so quickly seeing as it was very little clearance, he said he was running on his fingers and toes and that his head hit every joist on the way out. He never got back out of the truck after that.